NCS Products - Krasnogorsk-3 16mm


The Super Duper 16mm Film Looper™

Super Duper Mini Film Looper™ up to 3 minutes Looper ... $395

Super Duper Medium Film Looper™ up to 6 minutes Looper ... $495
Super Duper Looper™ V2 (up to 20 minutes).... $995

Mounting Handle (Eiki or Elmo) .... $35
Film Rollers ... $45/pair.

The Mini Looper will loop up to 3 minutes of 16mm film, which is slightly over 100'. Visit the Super Duper Mini Film Looper Page

The Super Duper Looper™ V2 will loop up to 20 minutes of film.

Here is a video of the larger (v2 - version 2) looper.

All loopers will work on most 16mm projectors, as long as the projector arms can be adjusted and will stay in place. They have been used on Elmo and Eiki projectors, both the NT series and the Slimline. Also someone used the Mini Looper on a Kal-Art projector, but I don't have pictures.

(above) On location at the Museum of Modern Art. This was for the Marcel Broodthaers exhibition. They used four Super Duper Loopers™.

Super Duper 16mm Film Looper

Again at the Museum of Modern Art. This is the the older version of the looper (above). Below is a video


"I love your looper ! So simple and beautiful . It works perfectly !" - Raha Raissnia

On location at the Ab Anbar Gallery (above). A loop by Raha Raissnia.


16mm Film Looper on location in Utah

On location at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts.

Super Duper Mini Looper on location at the Simon Preston Gallery in New York. It was the Jenny Perlin exhibition.

Super Duper Mini Looper on location at Eflux
Super Duper Mini Looper™ on location at e-flux in NYC. Work by Joachim Koester 

Super Duper Looper also at e-flux. They made a projection booth for the projector. It was showing "Soft Materials" (10.5 minutes loop) by Daria Martin.

16mm Super Duper Mini Looper in Japan
"The exhibition was a great success and the looper was just awesome!" Mini Looper on location in Japan, exhibition Almost Down

I know, with the wacky herringbone floor pattern this looks like someone's 1970s-style basement. But this is an exhibition room at The Art Institute of Chicago. Five Super Duper loopers! They bought one, then got four more. The projectors seem to be a mix of Eiki RT and Eiki Slimline models.

When I got this picture, I noted that it looked like the looper was in a hotel room. Turns out, it is in a hotel room! The exhibition was at the Capitol Skyline Hotel in Washington, DC.


This is the mini-looper mounted on a Bell & Howell 2500 series. The front arm should pull the film up at a higher angle. However, it worked perfectly fine as shown.


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> K-3 Manual (pdf)
> K-3 Videos

> Tech Info
> Lightmeter Info
> Lens Mount

> Disassembly
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> Assembly
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Eiki 16mm Projector

Super Duper 16mm Film Looper

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